Harnessing the power of nature to soar through the skies without an engine.
What is Gliding?
How a Gliding Club Works
Check out this video produced for the Glide Britain project to find out a bit more about what it means to be a member of the gliding community.
What is gliding?
Gliding involves flying unpowered aircraft using the same naturally occurring currents of air that birds use to fly. Using these invisible currents of air, known as ‘lift’, you can soar to great heights and travel great distances around the country at average speeds of over 100 kilometres per hour. Typical cross country flight distances are around 300km, but flights in excess of 1,000km and altitudes of over 30,000 feet have been achieved in the UK with even greater heights and distances achieved in the mountainous regions of the world.
How does a glider stay in the air?
Glider pilots use 3 main types of rising air to stay airborne:
Thermals – columns of rising air produced when the sun heats the ground which then heats the atmosphere
Ridge or hill lift – air pushed upwards when it blows against the edge of a slope
Mountain wave – currents of air that rise to get over the top of hills or mountains and then flow and rebound, creating a wave-like motion that can continue for hundreds of miles
Is there an age limit?
There is a minimum age restriction of 12 years and student pilots can go solo from the age of 14 after completing their training. There is no upper age restriction. We suggest getting in touch with the club before committing to purchasing a lesson or experience flight if you have any concerns or questions.
Who can fly a glider?
There are very few restrictions on who can fly in a glider though there are some height and weight limits to take into consideration.
The maximum weight for someone in a glider is 110kg (242lbs) wearing clothes and a parachute (7kg). The minimum weight is 51kg (112lb).
People taller than 1.9m (6ft 3ins) may have difficulty fitting into the cockpit of many gliders and we would advise contacting us before booking a flight.