Becoming a Member
Introductory Membership Package
Many new members prefer to pre-fund their initial training, our Introductory Membership Package is designed to do just this and save you money at the same time. The package includes a 12 month full flying membership (Usually £440) and £500 of flying credit, this is effectively saving you £190*.
You choose how to use your flying credit as we don’t restrict you in terms of the type of launch method that you use. However, we encourage new pilots to start their training using aerotows as this provides more hands on time in the air for inexperienced pilots and speeds up training compared to winch launches.
Once you have used up your £500 credit, you will be able to continue flying but will be expected to pay as you fly. You can keep track of your credit using your online flying account.
If you would like more information about the package, please contact the Course Secretary.
*Note that for Juniors and Seniors, the full flying membership is charged at a reduced rate and therefore savings may not be as shown here. For full details of membership options, please see our current prices.